background cover of music playing
Handel: Samson, HWV 57, Act 2: "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" (Harapha) - George Frideric Handel

Handel: Samson, HWV 57, Act 2: "Honour and arms scorn such a foe" (Harapha)

George Frideric Handel



Song Introduction

乔治·弗里德里希·亨德尔创作的《参孙》(Samson),作品编号HWV 57,是巴洛克时期的重要清唱剧之一。在第二幕中,“荣誉与武器轻视这样的敌人”("Honour and arms scorn such a foe")是一首展现主角内心冲突与力量的咏叹调。亨德尔通过丰富的旋律和情感表达,深入刻画了参孙的勇敢与挣扎,使这部作品在音乐史上占据了重要地位,至今仍被广泛演出和赞赏。

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