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You are the true vine
The source of true life
I'll seek again and again
I want nothing more
Than just to be Yours
My prayer forever, amen
Abide in me
Dwell in my heart
In brightest daylight
Or deepest dark
Lord be my Shepherd
Carry me through
Abide in me Lord
And I in You
You are the true vine
The source of true life
I'll seek again and again
I want nothing more
Than just to be Yours
My prayer forever, amen
Abide in me
Dwell in my heart
In brightest daylight
Or deepest dark
Lord be my Shepherd
Carry me through
Abide in me Lord
And I in You
Abide in me
Dwell in my heart
In brightest daylight
Or deepest dark
Lord be my Shepherd
Carry me through
Abide in me Lord
And I in You
Lord be my Shepherd
Carry me through
Abide in me Lord
And I in You