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Take your hands out of your pockets
Arch your back, puff out your chest
Add some swagger to your gait, or
You'll look like a masturbator
Fix your posture, then the rest
But I AM a masturbator-
We'll fix that
All your nerdiness is ugly
I thought I was more of a geek, but-
All your stammering's a chore
Your tics and fidgets are persistent
And your charm is non-existent
We'll fix your vibe, then fix some more
Bu- (Bu-)
I- (Bu-)
Sh- (No)
Wai- (Stop)
Oh, everything about you is so terrible
Whoa, everything about you makes me wanna die
Jesus Christ
So don't freak out
And don't resist
And have no doubt
If I assist
You will
Be more chill
First thing's first, go buy a new shirt
What?! What's wrong with my shirt- (Shh)
It's better if you just comply
My job's to color your aesthetic
And make you seem much less pathetic
So just step and fetch, don't ask me why
How are you with math homework?
I'm a super-computer, Jeremy
I'm made of math
Oh, everything about you is so terrible (everything about you sucks, everything about you sucks)
Whoa, everything about you makes me wanna die (everything about you sucks, everything about you sucks)
All the people in the mall think you are such a slob (you're a slob, terrible, such a slob!)
Boy, can I see why!
Now, you, try picking a shirt
That's a girl's shirt
Uh, Jeremy
You shop here?
Oh, yeah all the time-
Never, is what I meant to-
Greet the beta
Oh, hey, Brooke
"You look sexy"
I can't say that to a hot girl!
Don't smile, stare intensely
Speak like you don't care about your own death
Lookin' pretty sexy, Brooke
Is that a girl's shirt?
Repeat after me-
I saw it in the window (I saw it in the window)
And I couldn't dismiss (and I couldn't dismiss)
I was dating a girl and (I was dating a girl)
She had a shirt just like this (and she had a shirt just like this!)
It's still painful! (It's still painful)
So, who was this mystery girl?
Oh, you've probably never heard of her, so-
She's French
Ugh, she is NOT French!
She just pretends to be for attention!
Madeline broke up with you?
Yeah... (No)
I mean-
I broke up with her (I broke up with her)
'Cause she was cheating on me ('cause she was cheating on me!)
Hey, Hamlet
Be more chill