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When Everything Falls Apart - From "Frozen: The Broadway Musical" / Outtake - Greg Hildreth

When Everything Falls Apart - From "Frozen: The Broadway Musical" / Outtake

Greg Hildreth



Song Introduction

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Oh no, Olaf!

You're in pieces!

This is horrible!

Hey, hey, hey!

No need to panic!

There are times in my life

When I am neither here or there

And I'm a little in a muddle

'Cause my middle's rolled somewhere

Sometimes one arm has flown off

And another's in the grass

And I've one foot in my mouth

And another in my a... bdomin

When everything falls apart

And I'm as broken as can be

I don't get devastated when decapitated

No, it just helps me see differently


When everything falls apart

And the winds of fate seem cruel

What I'm most afraid of

Shows me what I'm made of

Which turns out to be pretty cool

When I'm scattered

'Cause I'm shattered

And I'm good for who knows what

I know I'll always catch a break

As sure as I can catch my butt


There it goes!

Throw me!


When everything falls apart

And it's an awful, awful day

To sum up my thesis, when I fall to pieces

It's a chance to look around and say

I'm gonna pull myself together in a better way

That's great, Olaf! But what about Arendelle?

I can't go back there with the weather like this!

And how do I defend Elsa to them?

I can't let my people down, but

Hey, hey, hey

When everything falls apart

And all your witts are at their end

Yes in the midst of stressing

There's a hidden blessing

You can be depressing with a friend

When a reindeer herder finds a reindeer

Left behind to die

The reindeer herder saves his life

And the deer makes him a better guy


I'm gonna cry

When everything falls apart

It's just the world re-shuffling


It can lead to more friends

Maybe three or four friends

And all the good that can bring

When things fall apart

Don't worry about a thing

Except maybe worry about your hair?


I just fell off a cliff you should see your hair

No. Yours is turning white

White? It's what?

Does it look bad?


You hesitated

No I didn't

You did hesitate

Not in that way!

It's because your sister struck you, isn't it?

Wait! I have an idea

There's some friends out in the woods I know

They'll tell us what to do

Why would you stay out here and risk your life?

Because we care about you

You do?

We do!

Huh, that's new

When everything's going bad

And you don't know where to start

It's looking grim it's true

But I've got you and you

And that's enough to warm my heart

Til the next time

Til the next time

Til the next time

When everything falls apart

- It's already the end -