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A tree that sprang up and cracked the walls of the hotel Beauxhomme
So that its gates could never close again
A tree that lived forever sheltering peasant and grand homme alike
A tree that watched over Daniel for his lifetime
A tree in which his children played
And one day as Daniel's young son sat in the shade of the tree
He noticed a beautiful young peasant girl high in the branches
Looking out at the world
And the spirit of Ti Moune touched their hearts
And set them free to love
And she stands against the lightning and the thunder
And she shelters and protects us from above
And she fills us with the power and the wonder
Of her love
And this is why
We tell the story
Why we tell the story
Why we tell the story
Why we tell the story
If you listen very hard you hear her call us
To come share with her our laughter and our tears
And there's mysteries and miracles befall us
Through the years
We tell the story
We tell the story!
Life is why
We tell the story
Pain is why
We tell the story
Love is why
We tell the story
Grief is why
We tell the story
Hope is why
We tell the story
Faith is why
We tell the story
You are why
We tell the story
Why we tell the story
Why we tell the story
Why we tell the story
So I hope that you will tell this tale tomorrow
It will help your heart remember and relive
It will help you feel the anger and the sorrow
And forgive
For all the ones we leave
And we believe
Our lives become
The stories that we weave
There is an island
Where the rivers run deep
Where the seas sparkling in the sun
Earns it the name Jewel of the Antilles
An island where the poorest of peasants live
And the wealthiest of grand homme play
And on this island?
We tell the story.
We tell the story