Mr. Beauregarde: It's. Time. To. Meet a little lady who everybody is talking about. Now she is royalty of the highest order and she don't give a hoot about what Veruca says, 'cause round here, Daddy has the last word... Okay? Okay? C'mon!
Gum Chompin' Divas: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Violet: My daddy says that I'm the best
My daddy says that I'll go far
Mr. Beauregarde: She's...
Entourage: Outasite!
Violet: My daddy says that I am blessed
My daddy says that I'm a star
Entourage: That's right!
Violet: My daddy says I'm in my prime
And who am I to doubt it?
Entourage: Shout it!
Violet: My daddy says that it's my time
Violet and Mr. Beauregade: And there ain't no doubt about it
Gum Chompin' Divas: Daddy did what?
Violet: My daddy put me on the scene
My daddy put me at the top
Entourage: Yeah, yeah, yeah
Violet: My daddy says that I'm the Queen
My daddy says
All: The Queen of Pop!
Gum Chompin' Divas: Queen of Pop!
Violet: My mama says that in the womb
All: I was rockin' it as I rocked her
Gum Chompin' Divas: Ooh, ooh
Mr. Beauregarde: Slide into the delivery room and she proceeded to bite the doctor
Violet: Shocked her!
They said before my teeth could grow
I talked a mile a minute
Entourage: Yes she did
Violet: They were hoping my mouth would slow
Violet and Mr. Beauregarde: If they put something in it
Gum Chompin' Divas: What a kid
Violet: Daddy bought a pack of gum
And the chewing would not stop
Gum Chompin' Divas: Bop!
Violet: So now you all know where I'm comin' from
Violet and Mr. Beauregarde: Bow down to the Queen of Pop!
Gum Chompin' Divas: Queen of Pop!
All: First take bubble gum
Then you pop it in and ya chew it
Gum Chompin' Divas: Ooh, ooh, ooh
All: All others will succumb
When the mighty jaws go to it
Gum Chompin' Divas: Ooh, ooh, ooh
All: Each and every day
Those gums just keep on groovin'
Mr. Beauregarde: True, she don't got much to say
Violet: But still my mouth keeps movin'!
Gum Chompin' Divas: Hoot!
Violet: My daddy heard about a prize
That was surely worth pursuing
Gum Chompin' Divas: Hoo, oot!
Violet: Put a Wonka bar before my eyes
And said...
Violet and Mr. Beauregarde: "Commence to chewing baby!"
Gum Chompin' Divas: Yeah, yeah, yeah
Violet: My daddy knew I had the skill
To get my grill-a-going
Gum Chompin' Divas: Grill-a-going
Violet: I chewed away the wrapper till
All: There was a Golden Ticket showing
Violet: So let me lift my trophy
And then I'm gonna let this mic drop
Entourage: Whoo!
Violet: And then I'm gonna think bazooka
Gum Chompin' Divas: Bazooka Joe!
Violet: And tell that stupid girl Veruca
Gum Chompin' Divas: Veruca no!
Violet: Her daddy may own the shop
All: But a princess ain't no match
Violet: For the Queen of Pop!
Entourage: Queen of Pop!
Violet: Ooh, the Queen of Pop now
Entourage: Queen of Pop!
Violet: Oh, I'll never stop
Entourage: Queen of Pop!
Violet and Mr. Beauregarde: Yes, she's met her match in the